Full Sail University

Hi everyone,

I spent a year to get more information about both video game industry and production at Entertainment Business Master of Science Program in Full Sail University. It was a very enjoyable moment for my life and I wanted to thank all my friends and my instructors who supported and helped me whenever they could.

Media Literacy and Research Methodologies: This course was my first online course I have ever attended. I have to admit even though I had struggled because of my first time, I learned importance and how to organize social networks. In addition, my team working skills improved thanks to the group assignments.

Executive Leadership: In this course we learned the importance of leadership skills in the team working projects which includes all the entertainment products. We had several writing assignments which improved my writing skills and our presentation assignment helped me improve my presentation skills with a foreign language.

Project and Team Management: I learned how to scheduling and organizing in team working projects. We had several group assignments which increase our team working skills. Also, during the class we learned how to prepare a proposal for our project.

Business Storytelling and Brand Development: With this course, I realized the importance of brand for the companies and we learned the process of creating a brand name for both companies and products. We also had a chance to improve our writing and presentation skills thanks to the assignments.

Entertainment Business Finance: This was the most difficult and challenging course in the program. Not just because it was about finance because, we had to finish both our daily homework, studying for the quiz and assignments in the same day. However, during this process I learned how to prepare income statement, balance sheet and Pro Forma for a video game.

Negotiation and Deal Making: After the finance course, we had a chance to rest a little bit more between assignments in this course. I learned the importance of contracts and what should we careful for both employment and other industry related contracts. We role played with our fellow class mate to negotiate a contract with a case which was given by the instructor. Therefore, I improved my negotiation skills while I was arranged a deal with my class mates.

Product and Artist Management: In this course, we learned the importance of artist management for the entertainment industries such as music and movies. I learned how to deal with artists and the difficult job of the manager. However, I was more focused on product management part because of my interest about video game industry. I had to chance to increase my skills which, I learned in the Project and Team Management course.

Advanced Entertainment Law: This course was one of the most difficult course for this program but, I had to admit it was really fun. I learned to importance of licensing and the legal part of copyrights, patterns and trademark in the entertainment industries. Also, I had a chance to learn how the licensing and copyrights, patterns and trademark is working in the video game industry.

Entertainment Media Publishing and Distribution: I had a chance to learn more about distribution and how to market with social network in this course. The importance of online video game magazines, distribution channels and how to publish video games, movies and music with most efficient and cheapest way. In addition, I learned the difference between traditional and digital distribution. Moreover, I was selected by our instructor, Kimberly Craft, for "April 2011 Course of Director Award" in this course.

Digital Marketing: This course helped me learn how to arrange marketing goals,objectives, targets and how to achieve. Also, I learned the importance of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for the marketing. I learned to organize marketing plan for a video game and how to use digital marketing tools like online ads, emails, google analytics and social network for achieving my goals.

Business Plan Development: We had to choose a business plan for our final project in the beginning of this program. Most of our assignments we have been done so far was had to be related for our business plan. My business plan was about establishing a video game development company so, all my assignment in this program was about video game industry. In this course we had to summarize what we have been done so far for organizing a business plan. I learned how to create a business plan and its contents.

Final Project: Business Plan: This course was related to the Business Plan Development class. We had to continue where we left and finish our business plan. I learned more about financing part of business plan like the importance of sales numbers and creating a financial sheets for our business.

These were my courses during Entertainment Business Master of Science Program in Full Sail. I enjoyed every one of them and I learned a lot from our instructors. Moreover, our assignments helped me improve my knowledge about video game industry and improve both of my writing and presentation skills which we had to do in every course in this program.

Full Sail logo: http://dualshockers.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/Full_Sail_University_Logo.jpg